Oxford Township Trustees


February 9, 2009


Call to Order 17-09

Approval of Agenda 18-09

Recognition of Guests 19-09

Oath of Office – Police Department 20-09

Approval of Health Care Resolution 21-09

Approval of Minutes of January 12, 2009 22-09

Approval of Financial Report 23-09

Approval of Appropriation Modifications 24-09

Approval of Advances 25-09

Approval of Sale of Truck to Israel Township 26-09

Standing Items 27-09

Approval of Resolution to Purchase Salt 28-09

Other Items 29-09

Approval to Pay $200.00 Rental Fee for First Christian Church 30-09

Approval to Pay Bills 31-09

Executive Session 32-09


February 9, 2009


17-09 Call to Order

At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the Oxford Township Building.

Present: Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman

Absent: None

Others Present: Chief Goins, David Hoelle, Jim Rowan

18-09 Approval of Agenda

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

19-09 Recognition of Guests

Several guests were in the audience for the swearing in of the officers.

Ms. Eve Marcus expressed concern about the lack of sidewalks in route to the high school. Ms. Marcus stated she was referred to the Township and City by the Board of Education. Mr. Salmon stated the improvements to St. Rt. 27 are not scheduled until 2012. Mr. McDonough stated the Trustees would be involved during the planning phase. Mr. Salmon stated that quite a bit of the property is located in the City of Oxford and plans for the new high school would take it out of the Township jurisdiction.

Ms. Jane Fryman, League of Women Voters was in attendance.

20-09 Oath of Office – Police Department

Mr. Rowan administered the oath of office to the following individuals of the Police Department:

21-09 Approval of Health Care Resolution

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the following resolution:

Whereas, the Oxford Township Trustees has chosen not to procure a health care plan under R.C. 505.60 and has chosen instead to reimburse a township officer or employee for each out-of-pocket premium attributable to the coverage provided for them for insurance benefits described in R.C. 505.60(A) that the officer or employee otherwise obtains;

Whereas, the Oxford Township Trustees, Fiscal Officer, and Full-Time employees are eligible for reimbursement;

Whereas, the maximum reimbursement per person shall not exceed $1,200/per month, to cover both the officer/employee and his/her immediate dependents, if any.

Whereas, reimbursement shall only be made for premiums associated with health care including benefits for hospitalization, surgical care, major medical care, medical care, and prescription drugs. Reimbursement shall not be made for disability, dental care, eye care, long-term care as described in R.C. 124.841, or sickness and accident insurance.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Oxford Township Trustees amend its previous resolutions regarding reimbursement of health care premiums to comply with the recent amendment to R.C. 505.601 by the passage of HB458.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

22-09 Approval of Minutes of January 12, 2009

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the minutes of January 12, 2009 as amended.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

23-09 Approval of Financial Report

Mr. Rowan presented the January 2009 financial report for review by the Trustees.

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the January 2009 Financial Report as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

24-09 Approval of Appropriation Modifications

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the appropriation modifications as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.

25-09 Approval of Advances

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the following advances due to cash flow needs.

From: To: Amount:

General (1000) Permissive (2231) $5,000

General (1000) Road & Bridge (2031) $5,000

General (1000) Police $1,000

General (1000) Police $9,000

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.

26-09 Approval of Sale of Truck to Israel Township

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the sale of a 1997 Chevrolet Dump Truck to Israel Township in the amount of $18,500.

Mr. Salmon stated that the Trustees had hoped to get $20,000 but felt that the offer of $18,500 was higher than we would receive at public auction. Mr. McDonough stated he wanted at least $19,000 but agreed to accept the $18,500.

Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.

27-09 Standing Items

-Cemetery Report

No Report

-Road Report

-Police Report

Chief Goins provided the Trustees with a Police Report

-Committee Reports

-Meeting scheduled for February 10, 2009


-Elected new officers

-Looking for technology development opportunities

-Less emphasis on filling empty store fronts

28-09 Resolution for Purchase of Salt

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve a resolution for the purchase of 600 tons of salt with a minimum commitment of 420 tons at the best price possible.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.

29-09 Other Items

-Utilization of the First Christian Church

-Potential CSX grade crossing at Ringwood Rd/TR49, DOT#154-089H. The Trustees expressed concern with the costs of the project and suggested talking with the Butler County Engineers Office before the Township considers acceptance or rejection.

-Mr. Frimerman stated that pending road projects with the comprehensive plan could be considered under the proposed stimulus plan. Mr. Salmon asked Mr. Frimerman to look into the details and report back.

-Mr. Frimerman expressed concern over the report on Funding Options for Fire Services for Oxford and Oxford Township. Mr. McDonough expressed concern that only two members of City Council was serving on the subcommittee. Mr. Salmon stated the City revised the committee structure to include three individuals from council. Mr. Salmon stated that Mr. Keebler, Mr. Bogard and Mr. Ross will be serving on the committee. The Trustees expressed concern over the data used in the City report. Mr. Salmon stated discrepancies exist between the costs of vehicles listed in the report versus actual cost/insurable values. Mr. Salmon questioned the difference in the costs listed for the ambulance versus the squad. Mr. McDonough suggested that Miami also get involved in the costs associated with fire services. Mr. Salmon expressed several concerns over the report. Mr. Salmon and Mr. McDonough expressed concerns over soft billing of residents. Mr. McDonough stated the purpose of the Fire Levy is to fund the purchase of a fire truck or an ambulance. Mr. Frimerman stated the Township should play a bigger role in budget development and approval. Mr. Frimerman stated it is difficult to negotiate a new contract when the facts are wrong. Mr. Salmon stated he would be reviewing the current contract once it is retrieved from the safe deposit box. Mr. Salmon stated before we sit down to discuss a new contract, we should attempt to find other sample agreements from the Center for Public Management that may in place throughout Ohio. In addition, Mr. Salmon stated additional information is needed before we can discuss a new agreement. Mr. Salmon stated the cost to outfit a firefighter is approximately $8,500. Mr. McDonough stated we could consider contract options with Reily Township or College Corner. Mr. Salmon stated that actual expenses would be needed for 2008 and budgeted expenses for 2009. Mr. Frimerman stated we want to work with the City but we need to get accurate information.

-Mr. Salmon distributed the signature pages for the Road Agreement for Kehr and portions of Booth road.

-Mr. Salmon stated he received a letter from Dr. Phil Cagwin inviting a representative from the Township to attend an OSFC partnering session on February 17, 2009 from 9:00 until 3:00 at Marcum Conference Center.

-New tires have been placed on the rear of the life squad.

-Mr. Salmon stated a letter has been received from the Butler County Board of Health regarding potential consolidation with Middletown and Hamilton. Mr. Salmon stated his only concern deals with the level of service to the Townships.





30-09 Approval to Pay $200.00 Rental Fee for First Christian Church

Mr. McDonough moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the payment of $200.00 to the First Christian Church as rental of their facility for the January 12, 2009 meeting.

Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.

31-09 Approval to Pay Bills

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to pay the bills.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

32-09 Executive Session

No executive session was held.

33-09 Adjournment

At 8:40 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0





Respectfully submitted,

James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer



Trustee Trustee


Trustee Fiscal Officer