Oxford Township Trustees


January 12, 2009


Call to Order 01-09

Approval of Agenda 02-09

Recognition of Guests 03-09

Committee Appointments 04-09

Approval of Minutes of December 22, 2009 05-09

Approval of Financial Report 06-09

Approval of $1,200,000 Investment 07-09

Standing Items 09-09

Other Items 09-09

Approval of Oxford Township Proclamation 10-09

Approval of Health Reimbursements for 2009 11-09

Discussion of 2009 Paving Estimates 12-09

Approval of Resolution for Paving and Retracing Contracts 13-09

Approval to Pay Bills 14-09

Executive Session 15-09


January 12, 2009


Prior to the business meeting of Oxford Township, a reception was held at the First Christian Church in Oxford Township to recognize those involved in the Oxford Township Land-Use Plan.

The Trustees thanked Irene Jones and Agnes McDonough for hosting the reception and preparing the food.

The Trustees announced that a proclamation would be considered at the business meeting to recognize February 9th as Oxford Township Plan Committee Day.

The Trustees thanked all the committee members and presented them with certificates of appreciation for their hard work on the plan. In addition, a special recognition was given to Jim Rubenstein, Chairperson for his leadership of the committee.

01-09 Call to Order

At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the First Christian Church.

Present: Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman

Absent: None

Others Present: Chief Goins, David Hoelle, Jim Rowan

02-09 Approval of Agenda

Mr. McDonough moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.

Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

03-09 Recognition of Guests

The Trustees presented Jim Rubenstein with a plaque honoring him as Chairperson of the Comprehensive Plan Committee.

Mr. Salmon welcomed Mayor, Prue Dana; City Manager, Doug Elliott; and CIC Director, Alan Kyger. Mr. Elliott requested support for the annexation of the Leo Erik farm into the City of Oxford. Mr. Elliott stated the Talawanda School District has requested to fast track the annexation of 4 parcels amounting to approximately 153 acres. The Talawanda School District has expressed interest in accessing City utilities and would rather begin the permit process with the City rather than start the process with the County. Mr. Elliott stated that an existing policy requires annexation into the City of Oxford in order to gain access to City utilities. Mr. Elliott stated the City stands to lose approximately $50,000 in income tax revenue and wouldn’t gain any additional property tax revenue due to the School District’s tax exempt status. Mr. Elliott stated the loss in tax revenue to Oxford Township would be approximately $500/year.

Mr. Salmon expressed concern that the School District could sell off surplus property in the future that could result in potential loss revenue to the Township. Mr. Salmon stated that past School Boards have sold off surplus property in the past and there is no guarantee that the property would remain for school use. Mr. Elliott stated the intent is to leave the property in the Township so that any future development of a non-tax exempt nature would remain the revenue of the Township. Mr. Elliott stated under the expedited agreement, acceptance isn’t needed by the Township because the property remains in the Township. Mr. Elliott stated the section of code governing the expedited agreement is ORC 709.023.

Mr. Frimerman stated that although the property would currently remain in the Township, surplus property could be sold off in the future and developed in a way to generate additional tax revenue. Mr. Frimerman stated the Township would want an agreement protecting any future tax revenue in the event surplus property would be developed.

Mr. Salmon asked if the School District was aware that construction costs could be inflated as a result of paying City income tax should the property be annexed for tax purposes. Mr. Kyger stated the issue was discussed.

Mr. Salmon stated the Trustees would discuss the matter and would like to discuss the matter with the Talawanda School District.

Jane Fryman, League of Women Voters was in attendance.

04-09 Committee Appointments

The Trustees discussed the following appointments:

-Road & Police Departments (Jim McDonough)

-Finance Committee (Gary Salmon)

-CIC (Larry Frimerman)

-City of Oxford Land Use Committee (Larry Frimerman)

-Northwest Butler Alliance (Gary Salmon)

-Emergency Management (Gary Salmon)







05-09 Approval of Minutes of December 22, 2008

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the minutes of December 22, 2008 as presented.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

06-09 Approval of Financial Report

Mr. Rowan presented the December 2008 financial report and stated that the un-audited financial statements have been filed with the Auditor of State.

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the December 2008 Financial Report as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

07-09 Approval of $1,200,000 Investment with First Financial Bank

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the investment of $1,200,000 at a rate of 1.87% maturing 07/09/09 as presented by the Fiscal Officer.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

08-09 Standing Items

-Cemetery Report

No Report

-Road Report

-Police Report

Chief Goins provided the Trustees with a Police Report

-Investigation a death

-CVSA equipment was ordered

-Mick Blankenship resigned for personal reasons effective 1/9/09

-Several traffic crashes as a result of bad weather.

-Committee Reports

-Meeting February 10th.

-Mr. Turner (EMA Director) is stepping down March 2, 2009.


-No meeting in December. Next meeting will be held in January.

09-09 Other Items

The City of Oxford and Oxford Township have an agreement for fire services. The City of Oxford doesn’t feel that Oxford Township pays enough for fire services. Mr. Salmon stated that the expenses for fire trucks and maintenance repairs weren’t reflected in the report.

Mr. Salmon stated that discussions need to be held regarding inconsistencies in the report. Mr. Salmon stated the City will be hosting a workshop with the Township to discuss the matter further.

10-09 Approval of Oxford Township Proclamation

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the following proclamation:


Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

11-09 Approval of Health Reimbursements for 2009

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to authorize the reimbursement of medical premiums for individuals and dependents in an amount not to exceed $1,200/month for full-time employees and the officers of Oxford Township which are defined as the Fiscal Officer and Trustees pursuant to Ohio Revised Code and the opinion of the Butler County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

12-09 Discussion of 2009 Paving Estimates

A discussion took place on the 2009 paving/striping estimates.

-Paving estimates for Todd Road is $232,424.97

-Retrace estimates for Bonham, Booth, Kehr & Doty

Mr. Hoelle stated it is possible to pave half the road in 2009 and the other half in 2010. Mr. McDonough stated he would support the paving of Todd Road in its entirety.

13-09 Approval of Resolution for Paving and Retrace Contracts

Mr. McDonough moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the resolution for paving and retracing as follows:

Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

14-09 Approval to Pay Bills

Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to pay the bills.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0

15-09 Executive Session

No executive session was held.

16-09 Adjournment

At 8:30 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.

Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon

Nay: None

Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0





Respectfully submitted,

James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer



Trustee Trustee


Trustee Fiscal Officer