Oxford Township Trustees
July 13, 2009
Call to Order 103-09
Approval of Agenda 104-09
Oath of Office 105-09
Recognition of Guests 106-09
Approval of Minutes of June 8, 2009 107-09
Approval of Minutes of June 23, 2009 108-09
Approval of Financial Report 109-09
Approval of Appropriation Modifications 110-09
Approval of Advance 111-09
Standing Items 112-09
Other Items 113-09
Approval to Pay Bills 114-09
Executive Session 115-09
Adjournment 116-09
Oxford Township Trustees
July 13, 2009
103-09 Call to Order
At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the Oxford Township Building.
Present: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Absent: Mr. McDonough
104-09 Approval of Agenda
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
105-09 Oath of Office
Mr. Rowan administered the oath of office to Auxiliary Officer David Konnagan.
106-09 Recognition of Guests
Dennis Nichols – NI Solutions
o Federal Grant program available to provide fiber to the home. Grant deadline is August 14, 2009. Spoken to Talawanda School District and they are very favorable on extending fiber optics to residents of the Talawanda School District.
o Have requested support from Butler Rural Electric.
o Requested letter of support from Oxford Township to provide fiber to the home.
o Larry Frimerman requested more detailed information prior to approval. Mr. Frimerman stated the next meeting of the Township Trustees is August 10, 2009.
o Mr. Salmon stated this is a great solution to replace dial-up.
Phyllis Hollenbaugh – Past President of Resident Council at the Knolls of Oxford expressed concern with the development of approximately 50 acres on the west side of the Knolls of Oxford.
o Marj Piper – Concerned that the 50 acre subdivision being proposed is not a necessity given the economic condition. Concerned with head waters at Bull Run and the environmental issues that could arise as well as the increase in the fire and police services.
o Gary Salmon stated the property was annexed to the City of Oxford and that all roads impacted by the proposed subdivision are the responsibility of the City of Oxford including police and fire services.
o Larry Frimerman stated once the property was annexed into the City, the Township has no authority over the development of the property. Mr. Frimerman stated the only involvement the Township can have is as it relates to the annexation agreement. Mr. Frimerman stated that concerns have been expressed to the City regarding Bull Run.
o Gary Salmon stated that the developers attended a Township meeting nearly 5 years ago to discuss a development and due to changes in the County zoning laws, the developers requested annexation to the City of Oxford.
o Kit Weller stated that approvals were supposed to be subject to the environmental studies.
o Doug Elliott, Oxford City Manager stated that the preliminary subdivision has been approved by the Oxford Planning Commission and the environmental studies are yet to come.
o Jack Grove stated that they are in litigation with the City to oppose the development and encouraged the Trustees to write letters and pass resolutions opposing the development. Mr. Grove stated the Township needs to take a stronger position on opposing future annexations.
o Doug Ross, Oxford City Council stated there are four vacancies on City Council as of the end of the year and that petitions have been pulled for only two seats. Mr. Ross stated that residents of the City of Oxford including the Knolls of Oxford are eligible to seek office.
o Mr. Frimerman stated that some residents of the City and the Township that are downstream of the proposed development could have concern.
o Doug Elliott stated that the concern of any runoff will be addressed. Mr. Elliott encouraged folks to continue coming to Council meetings to express their concerns.
o Mr. Salmon stressed that as Mr. Elliott stated, no action will be taken until the developer takes the necessary steps.
Doug Elliott, City Manager, Oxford City stated that the City has been meeting with members of the Oxford Township Trustees to discuss EMS and Fire services.
o Current contract from the 1980’s is out of date.
o No longer a volunteer department
o Discussing new contract with the Oxford Township Trustees
o Staffing and funding issues haven’t been resolved
o Expressed concerns with the current contract:
§ Level of Service
· Desire to continue current level of service
§ Length of Contract
· Three, five years or longer
· Suggest shorter contract
§ Amount
· Lump-sum, variable amount based on percentage, or amount per run.
· How to account for increased level of service
§ Vehicle Replacement
· Continue existing replacement plan or fund a set amount annually.
o Looking for resolution prior to 2010
o Jack Grove asked if the Township has considered a joint fire district with the surrounding Townships.
§ Reily Township expressed concern with response time
§ Discussions have been held to have a substation on the west side of the tracks.
§ Concerns exist with manning the station.
§ Gary Salmon stated that all options are being considered.
o Doug Elliott stated the major concern is the contract at hand.
o Dick Keebler, City Council Member stated we have survived many years with volunteer service. Mr. Keebler stated that training for volunteer fire fighters and EMS is growing more and more difficult. Mr. Keebler stated that increases in runs have made it difficult in finding enough volunteers. Mr. Keebler stated that the Township has never fully funded EMS services, training, equipment needed for the department. Mr. Keebler stated he believes it is win-win for the City and Township to work together.
o Gary Salmon stated these issues should have been addressed back when the City decided to go full-time.
o Doug Elliott suggested drafting a contract on a percentage basis to be presented to the Trustees for consideration in the future.
o Gary Salmon stated there are concerns with the equipment replacement plan and the impact it could have on the length of the contract.
o Larry Frimerman stated we need to involve Jim McDonough so that he can be brought up to speed on the discussions.
o Ken Bogard, City Council Member stated we need to work cooperatively to resolve the issues at hand.
o Jack Grove stated the response time has been great in the past but expressed concern with the inadequate coverage on the west side of the City. Mr. Grove further stated that the Township should have been involved in the management decisions.
o Gary Salmon stated the new agreement will include more involvement from the Township.
o Larry Frimerman expressed gratitude in working with the committee on seeking resolution to the issues.
o Doug Elliott stated the City is very much looking forward to working with the Township. Mr. Elliott stated they would have a draft agreement to the Trustees prior to the next meeting.
107-09 Approval of Minutes of June 8, 2009
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the minutes of June 8, 2009 as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
108-09 Approval of Minutes of June 23, 2009
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the minutes of June 23, 2009 as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
109-09 Approval of Financial Report
Mr. Rowan distributed the financial report to the Trustees. Mr. Rowan stated that Property Tax Revenue for the Road & Bridge, Fire and Police Fund are under budget from a year ago. Mr. Rowan stated that according to the Butler County Auditor’s office, delinquencies & foreclosures could be contributing to the reduction, although, specific instances weren’t made available by the Auditor’s office. In addition, Mr. Rowan stated that Interest Income is probably overstated by approximately $13,000 due to low investment returns. Mr. Rowan stated that he would continue to monitor revenue and expenditure activity for the second half of the year.
Mr. Salmon asked if we anticipated repaying all advances at year end. Mr. Rowan stated he expects all advances would be repaid.
Mr. Salmon moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented.
Aye: Mr. Salmon, Mr. Frimerman
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
110-08 Approval of Appropriation Modifications
Mr. Rowan presented appropriation modifications to cover accounts that had insufficient funds available to meet the Township obligations.
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the appropriation modifications as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
111-09 Approval of Advances
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the advances as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
112-09 Standing Items
-Cemetery Report
-Road Report
-Mr. Hoelle provided a copy of his road report to the Trustees.
Dura-patching began on July 6th
Striping of Doti road is complete.
Booth and Kehr have been marked for striping.
-Police Report
-Chief Goins provided a police report to the Trustees.
Several drug arrest made over the last month
Warning to drivers in the Township about the lack of visibility due to tall crops along roadways and intersections
Phone system now changed over to Time Warner
-Committee Reports
Comprehensive Plan/Land Use
Oxford Township
-No Report
Oxford City
-No Report
Emergency Management Meeting
6 candidates for new EMA Director
Offer made on July 8th pending various tests.
Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
No Report
Fire/EMS Committee
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
113-09 Other Items
Response received from PUCO on Ringwood Road Crossing. Mr. McDonough stated we may need to contribute funding from the Township if alternative funding is not received. Mr. Frimerman and Mr. Salmon stated that several of the lots along Ringwood Road are in the City of Oxford. Mr. Frimerman stated that the Township is being asked to contribute for the Fire/EMS services, we should discuss the railroad crossing with the City as it relates to shared funding.
800 Megs System. Approval to be considered at August Meeting. Radios are approximately $4,000 a piece. Need to contact OTARM to discuss insurance coverage. A maintenance agreement will be available for the Township to consider.
Lawn has been mowed on the nuisance property. Mr. Salmon will be sending a bill to the mortgage holder.
114-09 Approval to Pay Bills
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
115-09 Executive Session
No executive session was held.
116-09 Adjournment
At 8:45 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 2-0
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer
Trustee Trustee
Trustee Fiscal Officer