Oxford Township Trustees
June 8, 2009
Call to Order 81-09
Approval of Agenda 82-09
Recognition of Guests 83-09
Approval of Minutes of May 11, 2009 84-09
Approval of Financial Report 85-09
Approval of Appropriation Modifications 86-09
Discussion of 2010 Tax Budget 87-09
Approval to Appoint Doug Johnson to the 911 Planning Commission 88-09
Standing Items 89-09
Other Items 90-09
Approval to Declare 7288 Dunham Road as Nuisance Property 91-09
Approval to Pay Bills 92-09
Executive Session 93-09
Adjournment 94-09
Oxford Township Trustees
June 8, 2009
81-09 Call to Order
At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the Oxford Township Building.
Present: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Absent: None
82-09 Approval of Agenda
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
83-09 Recognition of Guests
84-09 Approval of Minutes of May 11, 2009
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the minutes of May 11, 2009 as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
85-09 Approval of Financial Report
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented. Mr. Salmon expressed concern over the lower Real Estate percentages in the Police and Fire Fund. Mr. Rowan stated he believed the difference was associated with reappraisal but would compare to last year’s percentages.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
86-09 Approval of Appropriation Modifications
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the appropriation modifications as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
87-09 Discussion of 2010 Tax Budget
Mr. Rowan stated the 2010 Tax Budget would be presented at the July meeting for adoption. Mr. Rowan stated he intended to keep revenues flat and increase expenditures 3%. Mr. Rowan asked that any input on the budget be submitted by June 30, 2009 in order to be reflected in the proposed budget. Consensus was reached by the Trustees to set the Budget Hearing for 6:30 p.m. on July 13, 2009 just prior to the next regular meeting. Chief Goins stated a new police cruiser would be needed during 2010.
88-09 Approval to Appoint Doug Johnson to the 911 Planning Commission
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to appoint Doug Johnson, Hanover Township Trustee, to serve on the Butler County 9-1-1 Planning Committee as the representative of a majority of Butler County Townships as provided in R.C. 4931.42(A) for counties having a population in excess of one hundred and seventy-five thousand.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
89-09 Standing Items
-Cemetery Report
-No Report
-Road Report
-Mr. Hoelle provided a road report to the Trustees.
Second round of mowing has been completed.
Roof completed on Township Building.
Mr. Salmon and Mr. Hoelle discussed the Brown Road sign matter with the Butler County Engineer’s Office and they are standing by their decision to not allow signs in the right of way.
-Police Report
-Chief Goins provided a police report to the Trustees.
40 reports since last meeting
Vehicle deer crashes have increased
Department starting yearly firearms/Taser qualifications
Auxiliary Officer Greg Elam has resigned for personal reasons
New Hire Officer David Konnagan will be sworn in at the July meeting.
Ammunition costs are increasing significantly. Chief Goins asked if we should consider purchasing next year’s ammunition this year to avoid increased costs. Consensus was to hold off on purchasing next year’s ammunition.
-Committee Reports
Comprehensive Plan/Land Use
Oxford Township
-No Report
Oxford City
-No Report
Emergency Management Meeting
Met May 12th for the quarterly meeting. Paid bills and designed questions for the upcoming interview for the new Director.
Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
Approved revolving loan for the Patterson Café to be located at Stewart Square.
Economic Development Directors Report contains information regarding the need for Tech Parks.
Butler County Engineers Meeting
No Report
Miami University, Oxford Township, City of Oxford Committee on Fire Services
Workshop being scheduled for June 23rd.
90-09 Other Items
Mr. Salmon sent letter regarding railroad crossing and is still waiting on a response. Mr. Salmon stated that assistance was provided for Milford Township.
Mr. Salmon stated we may have a nuisance property at 7288 Dunham Drive, Oxford, Ohio. Mr. Salmon stated if it is determined to be a nuisance than a certified letter would be sent to the mortgage company indicating the need to mow the property. Mr. Salmon stated that should the mortgage company fail to respond, the Township would need to mow the property and pass along the appropriate costs to the property owner. Mr. Salmon stated if the property is determined to be a nuisance then the appropriate action would be taken.
91-09 Approval to Declare 7288 Dunham Road as Nuisance Property
Mr. Salmon moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to declare 7288 Dunham Road, Oxford, Ohio, 45056 as nuisance property and to have the property mowed.
Aye: Mr. Salmon, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
92-09 Approval to Pay Bills
Mr. McDonough moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills.
Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
93-09 Executive Session
No executive session was held.
94-09 Adjournment
At 8:15 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer
Trustee Trustee
Trustee Fiscal Officer