Oxford Township Trustees
May 11, 2009
Call to Order 67-09
Approval of Agenda 68-09
Recognition of Guests 69-09
Approval of Minutes of April 13, 2009 70-09
Approval of Financial Report 71-09
Approval of Appropriation Modifications 72-09
Approval of Resolution Consenting to Annexation of Property 73-09
Nomination to Natural Resources Assistance Council 74-09
Ringwood Road Railroad Crossing 75-09
Standing Items 76-09
Other Items 77-09
Approval to Pay Bills 78-09
Executive Session 79-09
Adjournment 80-09
Oxford Township Trustees
May 11, 2009
67-09 Call to Order
At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the Oxford Township Building.
Present: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Absent: None
68-09 Approval of Agenda
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
69-09 Recognition of Guests
Mr. & Mrs. Coombs were present to discuss their property on Booth Road adjacent to the Erik property. Mr. Coombs stated that there has been discussion of a right of way on their property. Mr. Coombs stated they were seeking guidance on their rights regarding a right of way.
Mr. Davis, CFO for Talawanda School District was present for the annexation discussion.
Ms. Erica Nelson, Chair of the Brown Road Corridor Group, discussed their efforts to clean up trash along Brown Road. Ms. Erica Nelson requested approval for an Adopt a Spot program along Brown Road. Mr. Hoelle stated that objections have been made previously by Butler County due to liability concerns.
70-09 Approval of Minutes of April 13, 2009
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the minutes of April 13, 2009 as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
71-09 Approval of Financial Report
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
72-09 Approval of Appropriation Modifications
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the appropriation modifications as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
73-09 Consideration of Resolution Consenting to Annexation of Property
Mr. Salmon stated an annexation request was submitted from the Talawanda Board of Education for consideration. Mr. Salmon stated he has talked to Mr. Sheets representing the Butler County Commissioners and stated that all notifications and requirements had been met by the Board of Education. Mr. Salmon stated the annexation could proceed regardless of action by the Township.
Mr. Coombs asked if he had to give right of way to the school district for his property that is adjacent to the Erik property. Mr. Davis, Talawanda CFO stated that the property right of way was not required of the property owner. Mr. Coombs asked if a fence would be installed. Mr. Davis stated a decision had not been made regarding the fence but he would take it back to the Board of Education for consideration. Mr. Salmon stated that if neither property owner wanted a fence then the law wouldn’t require a fence to be installed.
Mr. Salmon stated a resolution was received by the Board of Education for consideration. Mr. Salmon stated approval by the Township would show support of the project. Mr. Frimerman stated the community has shown their support and supports the resolution. Mr. McDonough stated the property is in Oxford Township and people are upset due to the taxes. Mr. McDonough stated the Trustees chose not to take a position on the bond issue and questioned whether we should take a position on the resolution. Mr. McDonough suggested that no action be taken on the resolution.
Consensus was reached to take no action.
74-09 Nomination to Natural Resources Assistance Council
Mr. Salmon moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to nominate Mr. Frimerman to the Natural Resources Assistance Council.
Aye: Mr. Salmon, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
75-09 Ringwood Road Railroad Crossing
Mr. McDonough stated that Chief Goins received a call from George Martin, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio inquiring about the action to place a crossing gate at the Ringwood Road crossing. The total cost of the project was $180,000 with $105,300 coming from PUCO, $1,000 coming from CSX, and $56,700 coming from Oxford Township. Mr. Martin stated that alternative funding could be available from other sources if the Township sends a letter stating that funds are not available for the Township share of the project. Mr. McDonough suggested that Mr. Salmon send a letter requesting for other funding options.
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to authorize Mr. Salmon to contact Mr. Martin of PUCO for consideration of additional funding.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
75-09 Standing Items
-Cemetery Report
-Mowing as needed.
-Road Report
-Mr. Hoelle provided a road report to the Trustees.
Todd Road culverts are completed.
Replaced fencing and sign posts.
-Police Report
-Chief Goins provided a police report to the Trustees.
Citizen caution information was sent to Oxford Press regarding farm equipment on the Township Roads during planting season.
Yearly firearm training in June.
Department in-service on June 6th.
Sgt. Nichols off for rest of month due to husbands open heart surgery.
Several thefts in Reily and Hanover. Officers advised to keep up diligent patrols in the Township.
-Committee Reports
Comprehensive Plan/Land Use
Oxford Township
-No Report
Oxford City
-No Report
Emergency Management Meeting
Mr. Salmon stated they met on April 15th. Conducting background checks on the six candidates. Next quarterly meeting is set for May 12th.
Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
Mr. Frimerman stated a study was conducted by Miami University Marketing Fraternity at the request of the Oxford Chamber of Commerce regarding poverty & demographics of Miami University students. The number one thing revealed in the survey was a request for a Panera restaurant. Mr. Frimerman stated a concern was expressed that the City might be back pedaling as it relates to the bypass.
Butler County Engineers Meeting
No Report
Miami University, Oxford Township, City of Oxford Committee on Fire Services
Mr. Salmon stated a report was submitted on the number of services and cost associated with fire/EMS services. Mr. Salmon stated that a joint-workshop was being discussed for the future. Mr. Salmon stated there is much concern over affordability of the options. Mr. Salmon stated there were a number of EMS runs in to Milford Township at $400/year. Mr. Salmon stated the City expects Oxford Township to pay more than their share. Mr. Frimerman stated the staffing is very top heavy and there are considerable differences in the salary schedule of the City versus that of the Township. Mr. Salmon questioned how hard they are working to find volunteers. Mr. Salmon also expressed concern from transitioning from EMS to Paramedics. Mr. Salmon stated the liability increases for the City and the Township. Mr. Frimerman stated the City is also pushing for two fire and EMS stations due to the railroad crossing issue. Mr. Frimerman stated the additional cost to run two fire/EMS stations is approximately $1 million a year. Mr. Frimerman stated the money would be better used to resolve the railroad crossing issue. Mr. Frimerman stated we want our Township residents to be as safe as possible. Mr. McDonough stated the entire issue is about money.
76-09 Other Items
Mr. Rowan stated that he recently contacted Sprint to discuss pricing on the police connection cards and cell phones utilized by the maintenance department. Mr. Rowan stated that no contract is in place with Sprint and the pricing is at the lowest available. Mr. Rowan stated the two accounts have been merged to eliminate one bill per month.
Mr. Rowan indicated that telephone and high speed internet was being changed from Verizon & AT&T to Time Warner Cable at an approximate savings of $100.00 per month. Mr. Rowan stated this will eliminate three bills per month by consolidating all the services with one provider.
77-09 Approval to Pay Bills
Mr. McDonough moved, Mr. Frimerman seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills.
Aye: Mr. McDonough, Mr. Frimerman, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
78-09 Executive Session
No executive session was held.
79-09 Adjournment
At 8:40 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer
Trustee Trustee
Trustee Fiscal Officer