Oxford Township Trustees
October 12, 2009
Call to Order 149-09
Approval of Agenda 150-09
Recognition of Guests 151-09
Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2009 Regular Meeting 152-09
Approval of Financial Report 153-09
Approval of Appropriation Modifications 154-09
Approval of Return of Advances 155-09
Approval of Amounts & Rates 156-09
Standing Items 157-09
Other Items 158-09
Approval to Install Windows 159-09
Approval of Resolution to Proceed with Upgrades to Ringwood & Taylor
Road Railroad Crossings 160-09
Approval of a Copy Machine 161-09
Approval to Pay Bills 162-09
Executive Session 163-09
Adjournment 164-09
Oxford Township Trustees
October 12, 2009
149-09 Call to Order
At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Salmon called the meeting to order at the Oxford Township Building.
Present: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Absent: None
150-09 Approval of Agenda
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
151-09 Recognition of Guests
Mr. Salmon recognized Mr. Frimerman’s class for being in attendance for tonight’s meeting. Mr. Frimerman passed out a copy of the City and Township Comprehensive Plan for review by the students.
Dr. Jim Rubenstein was present to discuss implementation of the Land Use Plan. Three options were presented for discussion. The fourth option was presented by Mr. Frimerman.
Conservation Development Overlay
a. Butler County Zoning Ordinance has a Conservation Development District. Oxford Township can request County Planning Commission to add Conservation Development as a permitted use throughout Oxford Township. Simplest way probably would be to overlay the Conservation Development District over the exiting Oxford Township zoning. That way, a property owner could choose to follow the existing conventional zoning or go with Conservation Development. Butler County staff would be favorably disposed if the Trustees made this recommendation, because it would not impact other townships. The County is currently doing this for Seven Mile and College Corner.
Responses from the Trustees:
Mr. Frimerman supports conservation development as a permitted use. Mr. McDonough suggested that individuals might oppose change but supports the option. Mr. Salmon stated it just provides an additional option for the landowners. Mr. Salmon suggested this option needs to be investigated further with the Butler County Board of Development and citizens of the Township.
Amend Zoning Map
b. Rezone Oxford Township’s A-1 zones to a "higher" A, county zoning offers all the way up to A-20. Combined with making Conservation Development a permitted use, this would strongly encourage conservation development over conventional development. Request for this type of rezoning would have to be initiated by individual property owners themselves, and Oxford Township’s other stakeholders need to agree to this. Butler County staff would support this only if it is clear that all of the stakeholders have already agreed to it.
Responses from the Trustees:
Mr. Frimerman suggested we make it easier for landowners if they would like to downzone their land (e.g. From A-1 to A-5 or A-10). Mr. Frimerman suggested the fee barrier be removed. Mr. Salmon stated it is up to each individual property owner and would support them as much as possible. Mr. McDonough didn’t think the landowner’s would be interested.
Amend Zoning Text
c. The Conservation Development District text doesn’t match the specifics of conservation development proposed in Oxford Township Plan. Butler County staff is willing to work with Oxford Township on changing the text but only if the other five affected townships are "on board." If Oxford Township wishes to recommend amendments to the zoning ordinance text, it first needs to gain the support of the other townships.
Responses from the Trustees:
Mr. Salmon and Mr. Frimerman stated amending the zoning text is not an option at this time.
Interaction with the City of Oxford
d. Mr. Frimerman discussed the need to discuss zoning overlay with the City of Oxford and the zoning subdivision rules associated with annexation. Mr. Salmon stated the process could be lengthy and expressed concern with the impact of A-1 zoning within the City.
Mr. Salmon requested that Dr. Rubenstein begin discussions with the County on option 1.
152-09 Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2009 Regular Meeting
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded to approve the minutes of September 14, 2009 Regular Meeting.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
153-09 Approval of Financial Report
Mr. Rowan distributed the financial report to the Trustees. Mr. Rowan stated modifications were made to revenue accounts as a result of a change in revenue estimates. Mr. Rowan stated the majority of the changes were a result of the 2nd half real estate settlement sheet. Mr. Rowan stated tax collections in the levy funds were down significantly this year. Mr. Rowan stated he had contacted Mr. Rick Law and was told that delinquencies and foreclosures for 2009.
Mr. Salmon commended the Department Heads for maintaining their budgets.
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. Salmon seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
154-09 Approval of Appropriation Modifications
Mr. Rowan presented appropriation modifications to cover accounts that had insufficient funds available to meet the Township obligations. In addition to the modifications, Mr. Rowan recommended the following increase & decrease in appropriations due to forecasted revenue changes:
2021 +3,000 Liability Insurance Premiums
2031 -3,000 Liability Insurance Premiums
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the appropriation modifications as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
155-09 Approval of Return of Advances
Mr. Rowan recommended that the advances made during 2009 in the amount of $30,500 be returned to the General Fund.
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the return of advances as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
156-09 Approval of Amounts & Rates
Mr. Rowan recommended approval of the Amounts & Rates as determined by the Butler County Budget Commission with the correction of $91,000 for the General Fund.
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the Amounts & Rates as presented.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
157-09 Standing Items
-Cemetery Report
-Business as usual.
-Road Report
-Mr. Hoelle provided a copy of his road report to the Trustees.
-Drainage work and brush removal on roadways.
-Replacement cost for windows in office through Scofield is $2,600.
-Dave stated we need a new copy machine for the office. Mr. Salmon stated he would review the proposals.
-Police Report
-Chief Goins provided a police report to the Trustees.
-A male and female from Madison Indiana were arrested for Robbery and Assault.
-Vehicle versus deer crashes are starting to rise with the harvest season.
-New live weather radar is up and running. Met with EMA director at Police Department on 10/5/09. Mr. Salmon stated it cost approximately $50.00/year and provides a great tool for monitoring weather.
-Grant has been approved to subsidize new bullet proof vest for the officers that need new ones.
-The decal shop that did our cruisers is replacing several cruiser decals that are fading due to material defect. There will be no charge to the Township.
-Committee Reports
Comprehensive Plan/Land Use
Oxford Township
-No Report
Oxford City
-No Report
Emergency Management Meeting
No Report
Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
No Report
158-09 Other Items
Discussion of Railroad Crossings
o Ohio Rail Development will pick up Township portion (90%) for Ringwood Road if Taylor Road is included. Mr. Salmon requested approval of a resolution to proceed with a contractual agreement with the Ohio Rail Development Authority, Public Utilities Commission and CSX Railroad to repair Ringwood and Taylor Road crossings at no cost to the Township.
Nuisance Policy
o Mr. Frimerman received a complaint on a nuisance property and was questioned about policy and/or appearance code for nuisance property. Mr. Salmon stated he would refer the matter to the Jim Fox for a code violation. Mr. McDonough suggested writing a policy on nuisance property.
Discussion of Fire/EMS Agreement
o Oxford City Manager has requested a meeting to discuss the agreement. Mr. Salmon stated both sides are having difficulty finding a mutual time to meet. Mr. Frimerman stated the majority of the runs were for EMS but yet the majority of the budget was Fire related. Jim Rowan will invite the City of Oxford to meet at the Township Building on one of the following dates.
§ October 28th (5:30 – 7:00)
§ October 29th (5:30 – 7:00)
December Meeting Date
o Mr. Rowan requested a special meeting on December 28th to finalize year-end financial data. Mr. Frimerman stated he wouldn’t be available and would prefer to handle everything at the regular meeting. The date will be held as a contingency only.
159-09 Approval to Install Windows
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the installation of 4 new windows in the office through L.E. Scofield in the amount of $2,600.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
160-09 Approval of Resolution to Proceed with Upgrades to Ringwood & Taylor Road Railroad Crossings
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to proceed with a contractual agreement with the Ohio Rail Development Authority, Public Utilities Commission and CSX Railroad to repair Ringwood and Taylor Road crossings at no cost to the Township.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
161-09 Approval of Copy Machine
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the purchase of a copy machine for the office. Mr. Salmon stated he would review the two proposals and proceed with the low bid assuming the models had similar functionality.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0.
162-09 Approval to Pay Bills
Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to approve the payment of bills.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
163-09 Executive Session
No executive session was held.
164-09 Adjournment
At 9:09 p.m., Mr. Frimerman moved, Mr. McDonough seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Aye: Mr. Frimerman, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Salmon
Nay: None
Mr. Salmon declared the motion carried 3-0
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Rowan, Fiscal Officer
Trustee Trustee
Trustee Fiscal Officer